
Embrace Your Femininity





Only when we tap into our authenticity we can blossom. Only when we get rid  of our fears and open our minds into direction of our dreams we can start unfolding our true potentials and have a vibrant and fulfilling life full of passion and love. Only then we are getting connected to the Greater Source and we can find talents in ourselves that we didn’t know existed.

We CAN  choose jobs we love!

We CAN  choose to be creative!

We CAN go into direction of our dreams!

We CAN  travel all around the world!

We CAN blossom to our highest potentials!

A rose is not afraid to bloom to it’s highest potential! Why are we afraid? A rose opens up for us completely and we are admiring it! Hold the image of this beautiful rose in your heart and remember that God has created you the way so you can bloom to your highest potentials and discover your uniqueness and your talents!

Open yourself up to your unlimited possibilities! 

You CAN achieve more then you think!


Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale and say: I CAN, I AM…

sit in a complete silence for 2-3 minutes and notice different vibrations in you. These are the sprouts of your creativiness and connection to the unlimited supply. 

During this  express meditation repeat 10 times silently: I CAN, I AM CREATIVE

Welcome a soft smile on your face and open your eyes. 

I am wishing Happiness to YOU !!!!


PS: Please welcome my new painting . Authenticity. If you are interested to have one for yourself please contact me. I would be very happy to paint one for you!

3 Magical States Of Mind Of A Woman


Today I will be talking about how we block our ability to feel happy on our own and by ourselves. By rejecting life! Instead of looking at EVERYTHING from state of ACCEPTANCE, we are cultivating the state of rejection or neglecting….

 Why do we do that?

Because this is how we were taught by our parents and society. “Do not touch this! This is bad! Do not be friends with this girl, she is from a troubled family or neighborhood.”   We are taught that there are bad and good things, black and white! But life is so much more than just simply black and white!!! We do not have to live the life of a tunnel! It has hundreds of hues of color and hundreds of choices!!!!! There is abundance of everything in this Universe and we just need to see how lucky we are to be simply alive and breathing!!!!

Today I will be talking about 3 Magical States of mind (developed by Ada Kona) that we as women need to try to cultivate to be very very happy! They are interconnected. Even when we experience a bad day… Those states are:

  1. Relaxation or being at ease
  2. Acceptance
  3. Trust


The first state is a state of being relaxed, being at ease. Why is that so important? Because when we are in the state of constant business or stress we cannot make right decisions or right choices. We cannot hear our inner voice when it is too loud. We lose our ability to get connected with our higher place within us, with our own “Inner Genius”.

If something bad happens, first thing we need to do is to relax and let life take its course… We need to stop and allow things to happen… And then good and right decision will come. As I said earlier the states are connected to each other. The more we can accept and start trusting life the more we can relax naturally. Without any medication, prescription or alcohol.



The second state we need to try to cultivate while living and being is a state of acceptance.

What does it mean to accept? It means not to fight life, not to reject, not to neglect ANYTHING. Embrace EVERYTHING!

For example, if we take a look at a woman’s reproductive organs, we will see that they were physically formed in a way that she has to accept a man. Allow him to enter into her world. Allow him to enter into her body LITERALLY, allow him to enter into herself. A wise Nature has created our bodies anatomically differently for a reason. The better a woman can trust and relax in her own bed the better her sex life will be! But what about our men? They need to erect physically to be successful in bed. They need to look, focus or concentrate to be able to have sex. But a woman just needs to trust and relax. A woman’s organs are created to receive and a man’s are created to give. Don’t we all just need to trust our Nature and live our lives from the state of acceptance? This was just an example of how we as women were created. To perform our own mission in life, to accept and to trust.

And again we can see that the more a woman can relax, the easier it is for her to accept and open up.

Relaxation, acceptance and trust are interconnected. And they are very natural to a woman.

It is very important not just to achieve those states temporarily but live in the states consistently! We need to learn back how to trust our nature so we can enjoy all the beauty and resources of our material and energy worlds.



If we look around or even at ourselves, we will see that majority of people live in the state of rejection. People live in the state of rejection, fighting with themselves, rejecting their own bodies, their own weight. Fighting with external events, with their bosses, fighting internal events – rejecting their own parents or siblings. Fighting with parents and siblings.

Very often people complain about the weather or politics, other things they do not have control over. They complain about things, which are completely outside of their “Circle of Influence”. Talking about bad weather or politics people move the focus from their own life to the things they cannot change so they can avoid responsibility for the quality of their own life and their own happiness!!!! They might say: “ I am not happy because I live in the wrong country! Or I am not happy because my boss is a jerk. Or I am not happy because my wife is selfish or my husband is too lazy.”. They always find somebody who they can blame.

Instead of try and simply trust life and enjoy it fully!

Our main focus always should be on our own life and the life of people who we CAN help and make difference in their life! We should always work towards how to expand a “Circle of our Influence”.

What does it mean to trust life? It simply means to relax and start accepting things happening in life, make the right choices and start taking full responsibility for your own actions, thoughts and emotions. To live a life from a state of ACCEPTANCE and a CHOICE.

A woman has come into this life with one very important and karmic task – to learn how to trust. To learn how to trust a man.

And when a woman learns how to trust, her mission will be fulfilled and the Universe will make her life very easy, she will receive lots of gifts from unexpected places or people. She will receive the gifts from life!!

Because a woman gets everything she believes in in her life. And if she believes in her husband he will “move the mountains” for her…

Maintaining to live in the states of relaxation, acceptance and trust are extremely important for a resourceful and happy state of a woman. Verses the states of fear, doubt and mistrust.

What ever we are thinking, we are attracting in our lives, whatever we are feeling we are projecting on others….

We are in charge of our own emotions and we can make a choice towards a better and happier life!

I am wishing Happiness to you!  


Happy Happy Happy New Year!


We are coming to the end of 2014. The year is ending. December represents the closing of the cycle. I am very into the cycles of life. Everything has the beginning and the end. And sometimes and in the most life situations we need to clean the space for new things to come in.  We need to let go of things which do not serve us any more.

This month we are summarizing our life and we are becoming aware of what doesn’t serve us any longer. Sometimes our inner voice is very loud and we can see very clearly what we need to get rid of and what we need to let go of… Sometimes our voice is very shy, quiet and insecure.  Especially if we are very busy and instead of being a human being we become a “human doing”. We often ignore this voice completely.

If the voice is clear and loud we start to plan how we can eliminate things which do not serve us any more. We plan on how to realize it so we can allow new, good and beautiful things to come in.

Some things are more challenging to let go of than others. Maybe out of fear. Some are easier. Practicing yoga tremendously helps to train your own awareness and your own inner teacher. Yoga helps to face your fears and meet your true self. And over time you can allow yourself to let go so that new, good and beautiful things can come in, what ever needs to come in can come in.

I am inviting you to exhale 2014 and inhale 2015!

I am inviting you to clean the space in your heart for more love, kindness, gratitude and joy!

I am inviting you to clean your house! throw away everything you do not use any longer and everything that doesn’t bring any vibrant or positive emotions in you!

Find somebody who needs those things, there is always a person who is in need and might be very grateful for the things you are not using any longer! Share!

Keep in mind that your house is a continuation of your energy body and every little thing is taking up the space and carrying a certain energy! Be mindful!

Let go of anger so you can be filled with LOVE!

Let go of doubts so you can be certain!

Dive into the ocean of self-love in 2015!

Welcome 2015!

Happy Happy Happy New Year!



What Does It Mean To Be A Woman?


In the Vedic culture, women had always been very honored. Everything was starting with the birth of a girl. In Sanskrit ” DEVA ” ( a girl, a woman) means DIVINE.  It was believed that a girl was born already perfect, and her most important task was to preserve her purity. In this case, the girls were believed to be initially by nature much closer to God than boys because girls were woven out of service. The purpose of a Woman is service. It was like this in all traditional cultures and in some cultures it still is. There are cultures where children wash the feet of their mother, where a wife is cherished and protected from any problems…

There are even a few facts about women’s nature, as described in the Vedas.

  • Women are 6 times stronger emotionally than men
  • A woman’s mind is 9 times stronger than a man’s
  • A woman is made up of service – she always wants to help someone
  • A girl has an enormous power – the power of chastity that can resist all kinds of evil eyes
  • Life starts inside of a woman.

This does not mean that women are better than men. This means that we are given the skills necessary to perform our role. A Man doesn’t need such powerful emotions – when he hunts he needs to be emotionless to prevent a fatal mistake because of excitement, hesitations or even mercy. Also, he does not need such a depth of mind because then he will doubt everything all the time.

For a woman in her initial duties and responsibilities, these qualities are very important. Emotions help her raise the children and adorn herself and her home. A deep and flexible mind helps a woman to find a way into a man’s heart. And so on.

Nowadays everything is not so favorable for women or men also.

The word “woman” in recent years is almost an insult. Mothers are afraid that their daughters will be just wives and mothers. We all encounter patronizing “well, what can you do? You’re a woman.” When hiring many bosses prefer to hire only men still. And so on.

This kind of approach raises a storm of protest in us women and we are fighting for our rights. BUT!!!! We do NOT understand what rights we need.

It doesn’t make a woman happy working 8-10 or even 12 hours a day.

The right to vote did not bring any happiness either, nor the right not to have children, not to get married, not to do housework. All of these women sought to prove something to men. But somehow, it didn’t make women happy …

It is also difficult to call men happy nowadays. Because now to be a head of the house and a leader they have to compete and fight not only with the outside world, but also with their own wife.

A man has to fight and prove that he is more important and better. It’s complicated, and in this kind of fight there is NO winner. In any case, both lose.

What are the reasons and why are things this way nowadays? And what is it that really can make a woman happy? 

A woman is born already perfect

Remember the little girls – they are absolutely unselfish, feeding toys and teaching their dolls the alphabet. They play as mothers, teachers, doctors – their entire DNA is penetrated with the idea of ​​service.. They are very affectionate and give a lot of love. They have a very rich imagination; they agree easily with people. They are very straightforward and clean. They are happy. Then after a certain age, when they begin to be educated and prepared for the modern world, they find out the world is an ocean of pain, in which it is necessary to survive.

In ancient times, everyone knew that a girl was born perfect. Nobody was trying to remake her… She had been taught to accept her nature of femininity. Little girls were very much praised, even pampered. At the same time they were developing their natural talents. They were dressed up and paid a lot of compliments. And so the girls learned to maintain their self-esteem.

Nowadays everything is different. Women do not realize their original fullness, so all the time they are trying to develop something , working on themselves in a manly way. They set goals, plans, objectives, and go to them, training commitment, willpower, determination.  These qualities are essentially masculine.

Everything starts in childhood. When, instead of praising her daughter and pampering, a mother forces her to learn mathematics, physics or chemistry. When the daughter wants to help her mother to do some house chores, she is being estimated very strictly: “ The washed floor still has stains. The cup is still greasy. ”

Since childhood we absorb the idea that we are imperfect. And that it would be better if you were born a boy. Or sometimes that would be better if you were not born at all, because you are nothing but trouble. And there is so much for you to learn. And the most important thing – you have to remake yourselves at any cost and become valuable. Does it sound familiar to you?

And so we go out into the world thinking that we need to be smart and read a lot of books. It is even better to gain a doctors degree in quantum mechanics. We think that we have to be strong and determined; to be realized in business. We have to be tough and sometimes brutal. We think that we need to go over the heads of men and manipulate them, because they only bring pain and they are so unreliable.

Our original feminine nature disappears. Now we have a generation of women who do not like to cook, who do not dance, do not sing, and do not like to have many children. But they like to build businesses and earn money. Are we happy?

There are two extremes in the life of a woman

 First extreme – very often, we are seeking something, climbing the ladder, but when we climb to the top, we understand that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall. The same thing happens when we are trying to develop as women. If we move, work on ourselves, then sooner or later we get the result. But if our ladder will be next to the wrong wall, this result will bring only pain and disappointment.

The girl, who was brought up as a boy, there are two main scenarios of her life. She becomes a “man.” Develops the masculine qualities of character, reaches goals and sooner or later comes to the idea of emancipation. Those women consider men as a worthless creation. They eventually come to the idea that a woman can do anything by herself and there is no need for a man at all.

Second extreme – when a woman gives up. She doesn’t want to live as a man but also she can not live as a woman. She chooses the life of a victim. For instance, a victim of an alcoholic husband. A victim of domestic violence. A victim of her own parents or girlfriends. She doesn’t have any self-esteem. She doesn’t know how to say “no” to things she disagrees with or to say “yes” to things she would like. She was suppressed in her childhood so much.

The first and second extremes have the same nature.

This is the failure to understand her own true nature and her value. Women may not be better or worse than men. We’re just different, we have different functions and tasks in life.

God created us women and gave us a valuable gift. But for some reason we do not consider our femininity as a valuable gift and we treat it (our true nature) horribly.

We ignore it; we put it into a far corner, if not to break it. After all, our unique features can be realized only when we follow the path of our true nature.

Imagine that you have a boat, and you need to reach a certain destination. And if you float it down the river, then you will be moving very quickly. But how about if you decide to go your own way – and left it to walk on land? You have several options – You can go by feet and put the boat on the back of your shoulders, then it is hard and uncomfortable. Or you can throw the boat away – and go wherever you want and very fast.

Similarly, a woman who is walking a “man’s path” will always feel miserable, as if she is caring a boat on her shoulders.

But there is a third option. Even if we were brought up wrong, even if we were not praised and not spoiled, but rather gouged and criticized, we have a choice. The choice is to realize our nature and begin to follow it!

A woman who understands her own nature!!!


As soon as we realize our true nature – we already cannot go back, we will be proud of our destiny – the whole world will change. When we treat ourselves with dignity (not pride!!!!) people will treat us differently.

And we ourselves will not be able to treat ourselves as second-class passengers any more. We will select friends; we will select our husbands from fine men or help our current husbands see us for who we truly are. Then we are able to set the boundaries of our families to ensure that they do not use us. And only then we will be able to give something to the world.

What can we give? The most valuable thing – our true selves.

A Woman with dignity can be happy. And this happiness, like a magnet attracts people to her. The great men come into her life, because they like to be close with the sun. Lots of friends come – in fact she has something to share with people. Children bloom next to a feminine mommy – they see that adult life is full of happiness and love.

A man has an authentic desire to make this kind of a woman even happier. He wants to “move mountains for her”. He is inspired by her happiness and light. She already knows how to be happy!!!

This woman can make anybody happy who is near her. When you’re full, you easily share happiness – because you have a lot of it.

You only need to make one right choice – you need to take a heavy boat from your shoulders and place it into the river and the river itself will flow with you to your destination freely and very fast!!! The river itself will carry you towards love and happiness!!!

Everything starts at the point when you realize that you were born already perfect. And all you need – is to remember how it was. Remember your purpose – the purpose of a Woman!

translated by me for my blog readers!

Olga Valayeva


Love is Truly Limitless


My husband and I had a mini – vacation in Park City, Utah. It was a corporate leadership retreat. We stayed in an absolutely amazing place in Dear Valley, Utah in the mountains. And we are feeling very thankful to be a part of the retreat. Everything was so beautiful! Polite personnel, classical soft music, elegant furniture, white crisp napkins. Quietness. Tranquility. Peace. Slow pace. These kinds of words are crossing my mind.

I am recalling a few things… Bright sun shining at me through the majestic trees. I feel how the sun is kissing my face, my cheeks… Fresh, mountain air is filling my lungs. I feel at peace. I am with a man who loves me the most. I am happy….

I absolutely love December!!!! Simply because everybody becomes a little bit softer and a little bit more kind, more receptive and open. Even men!!!!

Everybody wants to believe in miracles and goodness again!

This month is going to be magical! This month I have been focusing on my health. And I am feeling better!!! Healing is coming! I feel more space in my belly. I am full of hopes to be completely healthy and come back to my vibrant health.

Louise Hay writes: “ Create your own safe and reliable world. The only power, which can break your world can be your own thoughts!” This very deep thought penetrates me. This is exactly what I need.

My mantra for this month is: “I am always safe! All is well.”

Here is the meditation, which deeply resonates with me this holiday season.


The world around me is filled with all-embracing love, the same all-embracing love fills my heart, but sometimes I forget about it. Sometimes I start to think that love is not as all-embracing at all or doesn’t exist. In these moments temporary love is filling my heart not having an exit and overfills my heart. At these moments I am just afraid to let love go out and express myself. But then I begin to realize that THE MORE LOVE I GIVE, THE MORE I GET IN RETURN.

After all, love is infinite in the space and time. Love indeed is the most powerful healing force, which we have in the world. Without love, a person generally would not be able to survive. It contributes to our healing, it heals our wounds. So – my love is truly boundless – I GIVE LOVE AND ACCEPT LOVE WITHOUT ANY RESTRICTIONS!



In The Anticipation Of Holidays


We are stepping into one of the most marvelous times of the year – the anticipation of Christmas and New Year! Christmas and New Year miraculously follow Thanksgiving; these holidays are about love, forgiveness, and acceptance, giving and receiving. This time of the year everybody wants to believe in his or her dreams again. And that is so amazing!!!  We are hoping to leave the unfortunate things in this year and start a new year with love, more luck, joy and abundance. It is time to resume our life, to plan on starting new things. Maybe for some of us women, to open ourselves to Femininity. Create new affirmations for the upcoming year. Believe that you deserve to have an amazing and fulfilling life! Because a new life starts with having new thoughts and beliefs.

While decorating for the Holidays

This time of the year we especially surround ourselves with beauty. This time of the year we are allowed to step into a different magical world. We are allowed to create a fairytale!!! We are doing it for our children, for our spouses, but we are also doing it for ourselves. We all have an inner child deep down inside. This time of the year makes connecting to our inner child very easy and natural. It brings memories about how we celebrated Christmas when we were little, happy and full of joy!

Decorating and design is a sphere where feminine energy thrives

Decorating and design is a sphere where feminine energy thrives. Any type of decorating. If you are feeling disconnected to your feminine side – just looking through the pages of a beautiful design magazine can make you feel feminine and inspired again! Buying flowers for yourself, arranging a bouquet and putting them into a beautiful vase can make you feel harmonious and calm again. Decorating for Christmas and New Year is such a good excuse for some women who are not normally allowing themselves to spend money and time on things that are not practical.

Surround yourself with beauty, it is very important for a woman. Surround yourself with colors, textures, objects, and lights you like. You deserve it!

Allow yourself to create a fairytale in your own home!

If you feel like life was difficult lately – try to avoid dark colors of clothes and in interiors, surround yourself with lighter and warm colors. Everything, which is external, becomes internal. Having beautiful clothes and a beautiful home is very fulfilling for a woman.

Create beauty around yourself – it will flourish in your inner world and on your face. When a woman creates something, her thoughts and energy focus on her creation. She dissolves herself in the creation of her masterpieces. She creates beauty. She fills her home with love. She experiences positive, soothing emotions and everything evolves with soft and comfortable energy for everyone.

One who controls the mind controls their life!

Decorating is such a marvelous way of controlling our mind and bringing positive vibrations in our places where we live. It is one of the honors and duties of a woman – to create a peaceful, beautiful and welcoming home. So everyone who enters your home would feel peace, love and bliss. There is so much good that can be harvested in a simple decorating for the Holidays. So indulge yourself in it! Be creative! Experiment! Have fun! Get connected to your feminine side!

I am wishing Happiness to You!

PS: Silver leaf wood dear and a pink tree are in my bedroom )) love it soon much! Thank you dear Heidi for the gifts! ) Two charming Chandeliers are my inspiration for my future decorations. And a small tree is my decoration on the kitchen area.  Breakfast is so yummy and festive even if the sky is grey ))))!!!



Every Man Is A Romantic


In the soul of EVERY MAN lives a ROMANTIC, even in the most serious man, even in the businessman, even in the most masculine man. To make a woman happy – that is the natural instinsct that controls each man! A male can not do anything for himself, he does not experience this pleasure, because his emotional field is not as wide as female’s.

The emotion of a woman – that’s what excites the mind of a man, and kindles the inner fire. Emotion – it is the energy at which a man rides. The phrase “I do not give flowers to women out of principle” is just said by men who were never inspired. Those who are not yet lucky enough to meet their one true woman in their life!

In fact, the question of inspiration is not as complicated as it may seem at a first glance. Through personal experience, I have identified several issues that a woman needs to comply to inspire her dear husband!

1. To be beautiful
2. To be inspired by herself
3. To give a man pleasure
4. To give a man positive emotions, to be a SOURCE of HAPPINESS
5. Do not perform any man’s job and do not develop man’s qualitiesEvery

Please come to my blog to read the whole article: “How to inspire a man?”. In this entry we are talking about these 5 points in detail.  Please use this knowledge for your own benefits to become even happier in  your relationship. Helping your  beloved man to become a better version of himself.  As we all know every person has two sides: dark and light. A woman is so much in power of which side her man would be showing next to her. A woman creates a white magic or a black magic. You choose. Be light, think light and feel light. Our life is a reflection of our thoughts and believes and it can turn into a beautiful and happy life because you are simply creating it by thinking beautiful and happy thoughts, believing and trusting in your man, embracing your femininity, unveiling your own natural powers just simply being a Woman!

I am wishing Happiness to You!!!!

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How To Inspire A Man?


If we look on the translation and the origin of the word: “ to inspire “ in Latin, we will see the original meaning of it – “to breath in air”. To inspire a man means to “breath in” the desire into him. The desire to grow, develop, willingness to work, earn money, the desire to get married, buy a house, the desire to have children, the desire to be faithful to his wife, and so on… Very many women think about the question of inspiration of their beloved husband. We think about how to inspire him to buy flowers, pay compliments and give gifts – not just on holidays but on ordinary days as well. We are dreaming about him doing home from work and suddenly, remembering us going into a flower shop to get a beautiful bouquet to surprise us…

Is this possible? Of course! With any man! Absolutely!

I used to hear the excuse of some men, saying “I do not give flowers to women out of principle.” Why – they could not explain. After time I have realized that they were not inspired by these women. In the soul of every man lives a romantic, even in the most serious man, even in the businessman, even in the most masculine man. To make a woman happy – that is the natural instinsct  that controls each man! A male can not do anything for himself, he does not experience this pleasure, because his emotional field is not as wide as female’s.

The emotion of a woman – that’s what excites the mind of a man, and kindles the inner fire. Emotion – it is the energy at which a man rides. The phrase “I do not give flowers to women out of principle” is just said by men who were never inspired. Those who are not yet lucky enough to meet their one true woman in their life!

In fact, the question of inspiration is not as complicated as it may seem at a first glance. Through personal experience, I have identified several issues that a woman needs to comply to inspire her dear husband!

  1. To be beautiful
  2. To be inspired by herself
  3. To give a man pleasure
  4. To give a man positive emotions, to be a SOURCE of HAPPINESS
  5. Do not perform any man’s job and do not develop man’s qualities

1. Beauty

Beauty is a great power, which is very inspiring for a man. Appearance – is the first thing a man looks at when he meets a woman. If the appearance does not intrigue him, the man does not want to deepen the relationship. One of the greatest honors and duties of a great woman is to be beautiful. Without this inspiration won’t work. A female beauty is very inspiring for a man. It is very difficult to be a couch potato next to a home goddess and quite uncomfortable to be a parasite with a friendly wife, wearing jewelry and beautiful hair at home.

To inspire a man – a woman should become a Muse. Are Muses grouchy, grumpy, nagging, touchy-feeling and wearing sweat pants and old stretched T-shirts at home? Most likely not. On the contrary, the Muses are very beautiful creatures, very smiling, very in love with the one whom they inspire, very trusting in him. They know how to enjoy life very well! Enjoy the aroma of scented soap, enjoy savoring the sweet cherry from the top of a cake, and enjoy the kisses and the warm wind. There is so much beauty in your life… that can be enjoyed! A Muse constantly refills herself, soaking up the beauty of the world through the enjoyment of it…

An energy-filled woman, beautiful and happy, is easily able to inspire a man to the heroic deeds, while nothing special is done! She is just next to her man!  She is in love with him and the beauty of the world. She just is. Everything else he will do himself..!

It is not possible to inspire a man with tears, blame or grudges. This behavior can only encourage his desire for a divorce! Sometimes women get what they want with such a crude behavior and by manipulating their men but it is only temporary. Men can not stand begging and weeping. They will buy anything or agree with anything just to calm us down. Is there any value? No… But when you inspire him with your beauty it brings quite another feeling..

2. Inspire yourself with yourself

A woman should be inspired by herself. She should be interested in and with herself, she should be involved in exciting activities and hobbies. Just be sure the activities are for women! 🙂 If you do not know how to enjoy yourself, do not know how to be happy and to entertain yourself, for example: dance, meditation, walks, girls nights out, crafts party, how then do you generate the energy of inspiration for your beloved husband..?

3. Give your man pleasure

The pleasure between a man and a woman can be on two levels: soft spiritual and physical. Physical means physical contact, such as sex, massage, touch. The soft spiritual is a smile, kind words, positive emotions, happy laughter, flirting.

Some women complain that their men are “concerned” about sexual matters, they always want more sex. And if they do not have sex as often as they want they start to be needy. This can occur when a wife does not give pleasure to her husband on a soft spiritual level. A man needs fuel in the form of female energy. But you can get it in different ways, not necessarily through sex. A woman can fuel a man through a kiss, kind words, soft touch, a warm smile, accepting and supporting words, through listening and so on..

But if a woman is not inspired by herself, and if her woman’s center is blocked, she doesn’t have anything to give to her man. She always feels tired and she doesn’t enjoy life…  It is necessary to increase the female hormones in her body through performing the female chores, through having some sweets, through contact with her Goddess and wearing feminine clothes, as well as through filling her inner self with positive emotions from contemplation of beauty.

  1. Give a man positive emotions, to be his SOURCE of HAPPINESS

A wife should be a source of joy for her husband, a source of good news. It forms in the subconscious of a man that the most pleasant associations are connected with you, and then he will always strive to be with you, as a source of limitless warmth and light. Try not to tell him bad news, do not overload  him with your frequently changing moods. Yes, a woman has the right to be heard by her man, to be comforted by him, but do not go too far. In this world there is already so much negative information, so many difficult problems faced by men outside their homes. So at home they just hope to relax and rejuvenate and obviously a sad and dissatisfied face of a wife won’t do anything good.

Even when the whole world is sharing bad things. He hears only pleasant things out of your mouth and inspiring words! Can you imagine how precious of a jewel you can be in this situation for your man..?

A mind of a man is very important. For him to come home after work and see his beautiful smiling wife, speaking sweet words (even if it was late) will be a sanctuary of peace. A gentle look from his loving wife, one gentle touch, a good kind word can shoot all his anxiety and fatigue away and give him peace and happiness. A man will have a subconscious desire to return home, where he is welcomed with love and peace.

Offer your husband a 15 minute foot massage or shoulder massage first thing when he comes home from work and you will see how fast you can help him to relax and create a miracle.

  1. Do not perform any man’s job and do not develop man’s qualities 

To be a wife-inspiration you should avoid any activity contrary to your femininity. Well, for example, a woman asked a man to move a heavy piece of furniture. But a man has “an unspoken rule “- not to immediately respond to any request by a woman. First he needs to get out of his thoughts, ponder the words of his wife, to take a decision to complete the case, and only then carry out the order. A man rarely immediately runs to do what he is asked, and that’s fine. But we, women want everything immediately. So a wife asks but a husband continues to click the remote on the TV. She asks for the second time, and the third, but no response. And there are two versions of events.

The first option: unladylike. Go and do it yourself – move the heavy peace of furniture and after be sure to throw a scowl at her husband what a parasite he is, or just silently or loudly take a grudge towards him and walk the whole day gloomy as a dark cloud.

The second option: feminine. After expressing a request to her husband, leave it to him to consider it. Do not beg him every five minutes, just go do your own business… Sooner or later, the man will move the piece of furniture. It might take several days. You know, when do men move? In two ways. The first, and it should always be: when they want to! And second, when they are forced… The woman commands the request and leaves. If a man is going to perform it right away, he would feel weak. “He was forced to.” So he’s taking his time. As if she forgot about the request, and he decided to move the furniture himself, and went and moved. Here they are our men, and it is necessary to know and respect their nature.

So the first option – to do things yourself are contrary to the feminine nature, and therefore do not cause an inspiration in men.

If you want to prove something to your man in front of him and do the work yourself, you will only prove that you are a strong independent woman.. You can do an excellent job yourself, and you do not need a man. But in the second option a man will gladly take care of it and help, because in front of him – a weak, vulnerable, helpless  creature. Of course, he thinks it ! We, as women, know that when a man is not at home, we easily move the furniture ourselves. But when a man is at home, he should not even admit the thought that you are able to do a man’s job. The more feminine you are to him, the more he is inspired to be courageous!

Maria Mavela

The article translated by me  and taken from the course : ” How to see your Prince in your husband?”.  Pleas read this and use this information for your own benefits! I am wishing you Happiness and LOVE!!!!! I am sending the light from my heart to yours!

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I Wished Upon A little Star


I wished upon a little star
Up in the sky away so far
To be the fairest in the land
And be the best at all I can.
To be upon the stage of life
A messenger to help end strife
To be a voice for those who need
Encouraging words to hear and read.
I wished upon a little star
Up in the sky away so far
To boost you from the ugly mire
And write the words that would inspire
To lead you through the maze of thoughts
And help you learn what you forgot
When stress upon you really mounts
You are the one who truly counts.
I wished upon a little star
Up in the sky away so far
That when I stood upon the stage
To share the words from page to page
I’d speak so very loud and clear
I know that you would surely hear
And cast aside your gloomy cloud
And take your place among the crowd.
I wished upon a little star
Up in the sky away so far
To teach you how to look each day
Into the mirror and always say
“I love you, you’re the very best,
Together we will pass the test.
And when the end of day arrives
You’ll know you have again survived
Because the friend within your heart,
Was with you from the very start.
I wished upon a little star
Up in the sky away so far
To write this poem just for you
So when you’re feeling down and blue
You’ll take the time to read it through
Then tell yourself, “I Do Love You!”
I wished upon a little star
Up in the sky away so far
That you would find this little poem
And pick it up and take it home.
I made this wish upon the star
And so I wished, and here you are.

A Little Star – by M. J. Waldock

I found this beautiful poem and wanted to share with you my beloved readers.  I feel so grateful for the Universe! I feel your energy and support when you are reading my entries. It makes me feel that the whole world is my home!

I also wanted to share my photo session  with my husband inspired by beautiful autumn.



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